Marion Banta was born in 1919, age 105. Marion Banta's address is 269 Roberson Mill Road Se, Floyd, VA 24091. Possible relatives include Louise Banta, Ronald Banta and others. Marion's latest phone number is (540) 745-3647.
Marion Banta's current address is 2211 Monroe Avenue , Cincinnati, OH 45212. Phone numbers associated with Marion are (513) 531-3543.
Marion Banta's birthday is 08/08/1915, and is 109 years old. Marion's home address is 5725 South Ross Avenue #507, Oklahoma City, OK 73119.
Marion Banta's address is: 54 Stuart Street , Waldwick, NJ 07463. Some of Marion Banta's relatives are Eugene Banta, Lisa Banta and others. The phone number we have for Marion is (201) 445-6757.
Marion Banta's address is 54 Stuart Street , Waldwick, NJ 07463. Possible relatives include Eugene Banta, Janice Banta and 6 others. Marion's latest phone number is (201) 445-6757.
Marion Banta's current address is 67 New York Avenue , Bergenfield, NJ 07621. Marion's age is 53 years old (1971). Phone numbers associated with Marion are (201) 439-0748 and (845) 642-2849.
Marion Banta's birthday is 07/13/1919, and is 105 years old. Marion's home address is 3541 Alida Avenue , Rochester Hills, MI 48309. Associates and relatives include Thomas Banta.
Marion Banta's address is: 1015 Industry Road , Lexington, KY 40505. Address history includes Lexington. Some of Marion Banta's relatives are Anne Banta, Joseph Banta and others. The phone number we have for Marion is (606) 299-8134.
Marion Banta was born in 1918, age 106. Marion Banta's address is 56 North Main Street #162, Mount Gilead, OH 43338. Possible relatives include Elizabeth Banta. Public records show Marion has also lived in Mount Gilead, OH. Marion's latest phone number is (419) 946-2514.
Marion Banta's current address is 29371 Dixon Street Apartment #108, Hayward, CA 94544. Marion's age is 51 years old (1972). Phone numbers associated with Marion are (510) 586-1820 and (510) 586-4374. Marion has also lived in Concord, CA and Oakland, CA. The latest email used to communicate with Marion Banta is mar****
Marion Banta's birthday is 02/12/1925, and is 99 years old. Marion's home address is 200 Chandler Drive , West Chester, PA 19380.
Marion Banta's address is: 523 Southport Lane , Kemah, TX 77565. Address history includes Pensacola. Some of Marion Banta's relatives are Guy Banta, John Banta and others.
Marion Banta was born in 1938, age 86. Marion Banta's address is 215 Asbury West Portal Road , Asbury, NJ 08802. Possible relatives include Ciera Banta, Eric Banta and 1 others. Public records show Marion has also lived in Ringwood, NJ and Secaucus, NJ. Marion's latest phone number is (201) 248-0723. Previous phone numbers include (201) 569-8591 and (908) 537-6807. The latest email address for Marion Banta is msb****
Marion Banta's current address is 2380 Langdon Farm Road , Cincinnati, OH 45237. Marion's age is 84 years old (1940). Phone numbers associated with Marion are (513) 777-0851. Marion has also lived in Cincinnati, OH and Fairfield, OH. The latest email used to communicate with Marion Banta is mba****
Results 1 - 14 of 14