Mavis Barnes was born in 1938, age 86. Mavis Barnes's address is 169 Wildwood Drive , Madison Heights, VA 24572. Possible relatives include Alban Barnes, Martin Barnes and 5 others. Public records show Mavis has also lived in Altavista, VA. Mavis's latest phone number is (434) 369-7576. Previous phone numbers include (434) 845-0112.
Mavis Barnes's current address is 5809 Townley Avenue , Norfolk, VA 23518. Mavis's age is 83 years old (1941). Phone numbers associated with Mavis are (601) 638-0293 and (601) 638-7302.
Mavis Barnes's birthday is 12/18/1947, and is 77 years old. Mavis's home address is 3203 Peaceful Court , Jacksonville, FL 32226. Associates and relatives include Erna Barnes, John Barnes and others. Latest phone numbers include (904) 535-7979 and (904) 635-1454.
Mavis Barnes's address is: 46 Rr 2 # , Headland, AL 36345. Address history includes Morven. Some of Mavis Barnes's relatives are Harvey Barnes, Robert Barnes and others.
Mavis Barnes's address is 4729 Nw 23rd Street Apt 119, Oklahoma City, OK 73127.
Mavis Barnes's current address is 23 Milner Avenue East, Thomasville, AL 36784. Mavis's age is 99 years old (1925). Phone numbers associated with Mavis are (334) 636-1102.
Mavis Barnes's birthday is 01/25/1935, and is 89 years old. Mavis's home address is 405 E Manitou Road , Hilton, NY 14468. Associates and relatives include Ralph Barnes. Latest phone numbers include (585) 392-9028.
Mavis Barnes's address is: 21267 Gertrude Avenue Apartment 104, Port Charlotte, FL 33952. Some of Mavis Barnes's relatives are Barbara Barnes, Darlene Barnes and others. The phone number we have for Mavis is (941) 624-4131. Mavis Barnes's email address is mav****
Mavis Barnes was born in 1924, age 100. Mavis Barnes's address is 2517 Womble Street Sw, Wilson, NC 27893. Possible relatives include Jamie Barnes, Janet Barnes and 4 others.
Mavis Barnes's current address is 15 Percy Williams Drive , East Islip, NY 11730. Mavis's age is 68 years old (1956). Mavis has also lived in West Islip, NY.
Mavis's home address is 506 East Garland Avenue , Spokane, WA 99207. Associates and relatives include James Barnes, Jill Barnes and others. Latest phone numbers include (509) 413-2168 and (509) 489-8121. Mavis's email is mav****
Mavis Barnes's address is: 6225 Old Shell Road , Mobile, AL 36608. Some of Mavis Barnes's relatives are Kenneth Barnes. The phone number we have for Mavis is (251) 452-3658.
Mavis Barnes was born in 1925, age 99. Mavis Barnes's address is 501 Oxford Road Apt 19, New Albany, MS 38652. Public records show Mavis has also lived in Cleveland, TN. Mavis's latest phone number is (601) 265-5656. Previous phone numbers include (615) 339-3011 and (662) 534-6948.
Mavis Barnes's current address is 121 Barnes Road , Wilmar, AR 71675. Mavis's age is 88 years old (1936). Phone numbers associated with Mavis are (870) 367-5858. Mavis has also lived in Monticello, AR.
Mavis Barnes's birthday is 07/18/1941, and is 83 years old. Mavis's home address is 7405 Forests Edge Court , Laurel, MD 20707. Associates and relatives include Brian Barnes, Eugene Barnes and others. Latest phone numbers include (301) 210-1147 and (301) 236-4165. Mavis's email is mav****
Mavis Barnes's address is: 3975 Covington Highway Apt C4, Decatur, GA 30032. Address history includes Scottdale. Some of Mavis Barnes's relatives are Clifton Barnes, Derrick Barnes and others. The phone number we have for Mavis is (404) 227-3098. Mavis Barnes's email address is atl****
Mavis Barnes was born in 1935, age 89. Mavis Barnes's address is 599 Talavera Road , Fort Lauderdale, FL 33326. Possible relatives include Joan Bannister, Leroy Barnes and 6 others. Public records show Mavis has also lived in Apopka, FL and Orlando, FL. Mavis's latest phone number is (407) 381-4597. Previous phone numbers include (407) 695-2986 and (407) 761-0876. The latest email address for Mavis Barnes is jsi****
Mavis Barnes's current address is 16 Parker Avenue , Northfield, MA 01360. Mavis's age is 100 years old (1925). Phone numbers associated with Mavis are (413) 498-2248 and (413) 773-9107.
Mavis Barnes's birthday is 01/10/1953, and is 72 years old. Mavis's home address is 89 Bates Road , Elizabethtown, KY 42701. Associates and relatives include Amber Barnes, Gregory Barnes and others. Latest phone numbers include (270) 268-2993 and (270) 401-4399. Mavis's email is bar****
Mavis Barnes's address is: 1923 Seville Street , Pompano Beach, FL 33063. Address history includes Coral Springs and Fort Lauderdale. Some of Mavis Barnes's relatives are Catherine Blackwood, Shanaz Blackwood and others. The phone number we have for Mavis is (954) 295-1725. Mavis Barnes's email address is bar****
Mavis Barnes was born in 1938, age 86. Mavis Barnes's address is 8500 Northeast Hazel Dell Avenue Apartment F10, Vancouver, WA 98665. Possible relatives include Charles Barnes, Kelly Barnes and 4 others. Public records show Mavis has also lived in Everett, WA. Mavis's latest phone number is (206) 576-7923. Previous phone numbers include (360) 571-2299 and (360) 573-7161.
Mavis Barnes's current address is 906 King Avenue , Tarboro, NC 27886. Mavis's age is 60 years old (1964). Phone numbers associated with Mavis are (252) 813-6913 and (252) 823-4447. The latest email used to communicate with Mavis Barnes is mmr****
Mavis Barnes's birthday is 07/21/1924, and is 100 years old. Mavis's home address is 178 Wolfdale Road , Farmington, AR 72730. Associates and relatives include Crystal Barnes, Danny Barnes and others. Latest phone numbers include (479) 267-2355 and (479) 300-6220. Mavis's email is lar****
Results 1 - 23 of 23