Rosio Tapia was born in 1979, age 45. Rosio Tapia's address is 3927 Rocky Point Drive , Antioch, CA 94509. Possible relatives include Ricardo Basilio, John Colburn and 5 others. Rosio's latest phone number is (925) 234-2163. Previous phone numbers include (925) 516-9355 and (925) 642-3577. The latest email address for Rosio Tapia is ada****
Rosio Tapia's current address is 77 23rd Avenue Apartment 1, Paterson, NJ 07513. Phone numbers associated with Rosio are (609) 723-1561 and (862) 232-1889. The latest email used to communicate with Rosio Tapia is lca****
Rosio Tapia's birthday is 09/01/1958, and is 66 years old. Rosio's home address is 740 Wisconsin Street , Pomona, CA 91768.
Rosio Tapia's address is: 833 Rathbone Avenue , Aurora, IL 60506. The phone number we have for Rosio is (630) 561-6248.
Rosio Tapia was born in 1979, age 45. Rosio Tapia's address is 4018 Louis Krohn Drive , Santa Rosa, CA 95407. Possible relatives include Isabel Barragan, Arcenio Garcia and 16 others. Rosio's latest phone number is (707) 542-6785. Previous phone numbers include (707) 566-7328 and (707) 566-8785. The latest email address for Rosio Tapia is roc****
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