Alisha Baur was born in 1961, age 63. Alisha Baur's address is 6326 Pelican Drive , Osage Beach, MO 65065. Possible relatives include Paul Baur, Eric Bruton and 4 others. Public records show Alisha has also lived in Ballwin, MO and Linn Creek, MO. Alisha's latest phone number is (573) 286-8222. Previous phone numbers include (573) 302-0489.
Melanie Fortner's current address is 918 S Newton Avenue , Springfield, MO 65806. Melanie's age is 58 years old (1966). Phone numbers associated with Melanie are (417) 863-7565 and (417) 887-9789. Melanie has also lived in Springfield, MO.
Rusty Cooksey's birthday is 01/28/1972, and is 52 years old. Rusty's home address is 1616 S Timbercreek Avenue , Springfield, MO 65807. Associates and relatives include Lesley Cooksey, Marvin Cooksey and others. Latest phone numbers include (417) 865-2471 and (417) 890-1578.
Lisa Watzke's address is: 1403 E Elm Street Apt 2, Springfield, MO 65802.
David Evans was born in 1967, age 58. David Evans's address is 4213 S Rockford Avenue , Tulsa, OK 74105. Possible relatives include Craig Evans, David Evans and 7 others. Public records show David has also lived in Reeds Spring, MO and Springfield, MO. David's latest phone number is (813) 200-8170. Previous phone numbers include (918) 296-5538 and (918) 951-7923.
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