Found 3 People with (216) 214-0927 Phone Number

Results 1 - 3 of 3

Brian Kendall was born in 1974, age 50. Brian Kendall's address is 1707 Maiden Lane , Springfield, OH 45504. Possible relatives include Mirinda Holtz, Paula Kendall and others. Public records show Brian has also lived in Springfield, OH and Urbana, OH. Brian's latest phone number is (216) 214-0927. Previous phone numbers include (937) 328-6614 and (937) 346-3511.

Phone Numbers: (216) 214-0927, (937) 328-6614, (937) 346-3511
Address History: 1707 Maiden Lane, Springfield, OH 45504; 2060 W Possum Road, Springfield, OH 45506; Urbana, OH 43078; West Liberty, OH 43357

Brian Kendall's current address is 1707 Maiden Lane , Springfield, OH 45504. Brian's age is 51 years old (1974). Phone numbers associated with Brian are (216) 214-0927 and (937) 206-8838.

Also goes by: Brian S Kendall
Phone Numbers: (216) 214-0927, (937) 206-8838, (937) 328-6614, (937) 346-3511, (937) 408-9421

Chuck Martin's birthday is 02/27/1969, and is 55 years old. Chuck's home address is 5720 Highland Road , Cleveland, OH 44143. Associates and relatives include Carolyn Martin, Charles Martin and others. Latest phone numbers include (216) 214-0927 and (216) 534-0775. Chuck's email is bli****

Also goes by: Charles J Martin
Phone Numbers: (216) 214-0927, (216) 534-0775, (440) 319-5576, (440) 646-1305, (440) 749-3251
Address History: 5720 Highland Road, Cleveland, OH 44143; 4802 Allison Drive, Cleveland, OH 44143; Euclid, OH 44117; Kent, OH 44240

Results 1 - 3 of 3