Jack Burgdorf was born in 1930, age 94. Jack Burgdorf's address is 4155 Ironside Drive , Waterford, MI 48329. Possible relatives include Jack Burgdorf, Janice Burgdorf and others. Jack's latest phone number is (248) 623-2609. Previous phone numbers include (248) 666-2265 and (248) 761-4797. The latest email address for Jack Burgdorf is jac****@msn.com.
Ronnie Rodebaugh's current address is 3541 Alida Avenue , Clarkston, MI 48346. Ronnie's age is 51 years old (1973). Phone numbers associated with Ronnie are (248) 299-1976 and (248) 369-8290. Ronnie has also lived in Decatur, AL and Gurley, AL. The latest email used to communicate with Ronnie Rodebaugh is rro****@pacbell.net.
Jack Burgdorf's birthday is 08/27/1953, and is 71 years old. Jack's home address is 153 Marlene Court , White Lake, MI 48386. Associates and relatives include Jack Burgdorf, Janice Burgdorf and others. Latest phone numbers include (248) 623-2609 and (248) 666-2265. Jack's email is jac****@msn.com.
Janice Burgdorf's address is: 4155 Ironside Drive , Waterford, MI 48329. Address history includes Auburn Hills. Some of Janice Burgdorf's relatives are Jack Burgdorf, Connie Perry and others. The phone number we have for Janice is (248) 623-2609.
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