Shelly Michney's address is 3583 Austin Road Lot 133, Geneva, OH 44041. Possible relatives include John Michney, Neal Miller and others. Public records show Shelly has also lived in Mentor, OH and Mentor On The Lake, OH. Shelly's latest phone number is (304) 583-2527. Previous phone numbers include (304) 687-6003 and (440) 257-2729.
Mario Turic's current address is 7734 Southland Drive , Mentor On The Lake, OH 44060. Mario's age is 47 years old (1977). Phone numbers associated with Mario are (440) 255-2163 and (440) 257-2729. Mario has also lived in Fargo, ND and Mentor, OH.
Ivo's home address is 7698 Pinehurst Drive , Mentor, OH 44060. Associates and relatives include Jasmina Brkic, Ivana Cindric and others. Latest phone numbers include (440) 227-6144 and (440) 257-2729.
Vicky Kazour's address is: 9408 Jenaro Court , Austin, TX 78726. Some of Vicky Kazour's relatives are Jean Kazour, John Kazour and others. The phone number we have for Vicky is (412) 257-2729. Vicky Kazour's email address is vic****
Ante Turic was born in 1951, age 73. Ante Turic's address is 7698 Pinehurst Drive , Mentor On The Lake, OH 44060. Possible relatives include Jasmina Brkic, Ivana Cindric and 7 others. Public records show Ante has also lived in Fargo, ND. Ante's latest phone number is (440) 257-2729.
Kata Turic's current address is 6615 Center Street Apt A201, Mentor, OH 44060. Kata's age is 68 years old (1956). Phone numbers associated with Kata are (440) 257-2729.
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