Erik Torres's address is 6800 Stockport Drive , Bakersfield, CA 93307. Possible relatives include Miguel Torres. Erik's latest phone number is (661) 319-0653. The latest email address for Erik Torres is eri****
Natalie Janzen's current address is 15715 Dubesor Street , La Puente, CA 91744. Natalie's age is 43 years old (1981). Phone numbers associated with Natalie are (626) 541-0711 and (661) 319-0653. Natalie has also lived in Huntington Beach, CA and La Habra, CA. The latest email used to communicate with Natalie Janzen is nat****
Tiffany Hardy's birthday is 11/26/1980, and is 43 years old. Tiffany's home address is 928 Redwood Drive , Bakersfield, CA 93308. Associates and relatives include Tiffany Albro, Alyssa Boyd and others. Latest phone numbers include (661) 319-0635 and (661) 319-0653. Tiffany's email is gar****
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