Jonathan Janzen was born in 1982, age 42. Jonathan Janzen's address is 1288 Jorgenson Drive , Lincoln, CA 95648. Possible relatives include Carol Janzen, Darrel Janzen and 4 others. Public records show Jonathan has also lived in Lincoln, CA and Rocklin, CA. Jonathan's latest phone number is (661) 599-5544. Previous phone numbers include (661) 746-4788 and (916) 660-6764. The latest email address for Jonathan Janzen is caj****
Carol Janzen's current address is 29000 Fresno Avenue # R1, Shafter, CA 93263. Carol's age is 75 years old (1949). Phone numbers associated with Carol are (661) 746-4788 and (805) 746-4788. Carol has also lived in Wasco, CA.
Kara Janzen's birthday is 04/27/1986, and is 38 years old. Kara's home address is 29000 Fresno Avenue , Shafter, CA 93263. Associates and relatives include Anieca Ayler, Eric Ayler and others. Latest phone numbers include (661) 746-4788 and (805) 746-4788.
Natalie Janzen's address is: 15715 Dubesor Street , La Puente, CA 91744. Address history includes Huntington Beach and La Habra. Some of Natalie Janzen's relatives are Carol Janzen, Darrel Janzen and others. The phone number we have for Natalie is (626) 541-0711. Natalie Janzen's email address is nat****
Keith Janzen was born in 1949, age 75. Keith Janzen's address is 1835 7th Street , Wasco, CA 93280. Possible relatives include Carol Janzen, Darrel Janzen and 4 others. Public records show Keith has also lived in Shafter, CA. Keith's latest phone number is (661) 204-8975. Previous phone numbers include (661) 746-4439 and (661) 746-4788. The latest email address for Keith Janzen is caj****
Results 1 - 5 of 5