Found 3 People with (803) 394-2054 Phone Number

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Fritz Mcelveen was born in 1946, age 78. Fritz Mcelveen's address is 110 Baywood Drive , Lake City, SC 29560. Possible relatives include Jo Casson, Patricia Creech and 3 others. Public records show Fritz has also lived in Lake City, SC. Fritz's latest phone number is (803) 254-4525. Previous phone numbers include (803) 389-4480 and (803) 394-2054.

Also goes by: F A Mcelveen
Phone Numbers: (803) 254-4525, (803) 389-4480, (803) 394-2054, (843) 210-7234

Patricia Mcelveen's current address is 221 East Pickens Street , Marion, SC 29571. Patricia's age is 77 years old (1947). Phone numbers associated with Patricia are (803) 394-2054 and (843) 210-7234. Patricia has also lived in Hammond, IN and Centenary, SC.

Also goes by: Patricia S Creech, Patricia S Mcelveen
Related to: George Creech, Hasell Creech, E Mcelveen, F Mcelveen, Joan Mcelveen
Phone Numbers: (803) 394-2054, (843) 210-7234, (843) 269-5600, (843) 289-7515, (843) 394-2054
Address History: 221 East Pickens Street, Marion, SC 29571; 3600 Sheffield Avenue, Hammond, IN 46327; Centenary, SC 29519; Florence, SC 29501; Lake City, SC 29560

Sally Moore's birthday is 11/12/1950, and is 74 years old. Sally's home address is 217 Springbank Road , Kingstree, SC 29556. Associates and relatives include Lisa Altman, Tracy Bartholomew and others. Latest phone numbers include (803) 394-2054 and (843) 382-3512.

Phone Numbers: (803) 394-2054, (843) 382-3512

Results 1 - 3 of 3