Edward Criado was born in 1937, age 87. Edward Criado's address is 5316 Capulin Lane , Amarillo, TX 79110. Possible relatives include Katherine Baeza, Danielle Criado and 12 others. Public records show Edward has also lived in Amarillo, TX. Edward's latest phone number is (806) 220-6667. Previous phone numbers include (806) 351-1296 and (806) 352-4763. The latest email address for Edward Criado is edw****@yahoo.com.
Filipe Vasquez's current address is 3616 Se 29th Avenue , Amarillo, TX 79103. Filipe's age is 45 years old (1979). Phone numbers associated with Filipe are (806) 356-7486 and (806) 367-5227. Filipe has also lived in Aztec, NM.
Donna Waldron's birthday is 08/14/1943, and is 81 years old. Donna's home address is 7303 Elmhurst Drive , Amarillo, TX 79121. Latest phone numbers include (806) 356-7486.
Jackie Carcia's address is: 8103 Fresno Drive , Amarillo, TX 79118. Some of Jackie Carcia's relatives are Edwin Criado, Cindy Evans and others. The phone number we have for Jackie is (806) 352-4763.
Edwin Criado was born in 1969, age 54. Edwin Criado's address is 8103 Fresno Drive , Amarillo, TX 79118. Possible relatives include Katherine Baeza, Jackie Carcia and 12 others. Public records show Edwin has also lived in Amarillo, TX. Edwin's latest phone number is (806) 220-6667. Previous phone numbers include (806) 351-1296 and (806) 356-7486. The latest email address for Edwin Criado is sam****@yahoo.com.
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