Geraldine Murray was born in 1943, age 81. Geraldine Murray's address is 3000 Pioneer Avenue Southeast, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403. Possible relatives include Darcy Conway, Shannon Huckstadt and 7 others. Public records show Geraldine has also lived in Coralville, IA. Geraldine's latest phone number is (319) 366-1383. Previous phone numbers include (319) 366-2987. The latest email address for Geraldine Murray is myr****
Alan Murray's current address is 3000 Pioneer Avenue Southeast, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403. Alan's age is 84 years old (1940). Phone numbers associated with Alan are (319) 366-1383 and (319) 366-2987. The latest email used to communicate with Alan Murray is myr****
Sean Murray's birthday is 03/11/1966, and is 58 years old. Sean's home address is 3000 Pioneer Avenue Southeast, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403. Associates and relatives include Shannon Huckstadt, Alan Murray and others. Latest phone numbers include (319) 286-8210 and (319) 310-2479.
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